Orlando Welcoming Gardens

Orlando Welcoming Gardens

My designs are gardens: Welcoming Gardens. These gardens extend a warm welcoming gesture to each visitor to Orlando and central Florida through a rich visual tapestry which interweaves themes of space and technology, history, the health & science industries, agriculture, and eco-tourism/entertainment. The terrazzo designs provide a visual foretaste of what those coming to Orlando for work, vacation, study and research might see.

I call these welcoming gardens: 1) The Wellness Garden 2) The Tech Garden 3) The Fun Garden 4) The Star Garden.

These designs are meant to be calming and joyful to the visitor. The colors are rich and full of depth, subdued and complementary, forms flow one into the next, suggesting a journey with connections across the central Florida landscape. Vision, point-of-view, color, layering, scale, an economy of form—are the primary design elements. Each floor radiates from their center and enjoins numerous elements which repeat across all four floors to create a comprehensive and unified set of designs.